What are the best treats for cats?
Cats, like humans, appreciate variety. Offer a mix of treats to keep things interesting for your cat.
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Delightful Delicacies: A Guide to Puppy Treats and Milk
Opt for treats that are small in size and easy to chew, especially for younger puppies with developing teeth and jaws.
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Transporting a cat
Cats often find travel stressful, so it's important to minimise their discomfort as much as possible.
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What I need to know when buying a bird cage
Selecting the right indoor bird cage and accessories depends on the species and size of the bird you have.
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What is the Best Hutch for my Rabbit
An indoor rabbit still needs a hutch to feel safe and secure but, if this is not an option then make sure you create an area for beds & hideaways.
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A Fish Pond in my garden
Fish ponds can be a great addition to your backyard or garden, providing a tranquil and relaxing environment while also supporting aquatic life. Here are some important things to consider before starting a fish pond
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Building a Catio
Ideally, you should choose a location that provides plenty of natural light and fresh air, while also keeping your cat safe and secure.
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Buying Bunnies, Does and Donts
By providing proper housing, a balanced diet, mental and physical stimulation, and preventive veterinary care, you can help ensure that your rabbits live happy and healthy lives.
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Why do you need a pet activity monitor
Pet activity monitors are devices designed to track and monitor the activity levels, behavior, and health of pets, typically cats and dogs.
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Do Rats make good pets?
Rats are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during the dawn and dusk hours.
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Cat litter trays and mats
A litter tray is a container used to hold cat litter, while a litter mat is a mat placed outside or inside the tray to help capture any litter that may be kicked out by your cat.
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Help I need to medicate my cat!
Giving a cat medication, especially in the form of a pill or liquid from a syringe, can be challenging
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Horse Behaviourists
Overall, becoming a horse behaviourists requires a deep understanding of equine behaviour and welfare, as well as specialised training in behaviour modification techniques.
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Guinea Pigs or Hamsters which would work best for me
The choice between a hamster and a guinea pig depends on your preferences, living situation, and the level of interaction you desire with your pet
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What toys are best for your kitten and why?
Providing appropriate toys for your kittens is an excellent way to encourage physical activity, mental stimulation, and confidence building. Here are some types of toys that can be beneficial for your kittens' growth and confidence:
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Veterinarian prescribed cat food, why?
Veterinarian-prescribed cat food, often referred to as prescription or therapeutic diets, serves specific nutritional purposes and is recommended for cats with various health conditions.
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