Guinea Pigs or Hamsters which would work best for me
The choice between a hamster and a guinea pig depends on your preferences, living situation, and the level of interaction you desire with your pet
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Bowl feeding kittens
Keep in mind the age and health of your kittens, as different feeding strategies may be appropriate for growing kittens versus adults.
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A Fish Pond in my garden
Fish ponds can be a great addition to your backyard or garden, providing a tranquil and relaxing environment while also supporting aquatic life. Here are some important things to consider before starting a fish pond
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Sunblock for your dog?
Yes, it is true that some dogs may benefit from the application of sunblock, especially those with light-colored fur, thin or short coats, and exposed skin.
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Horse Behaviourists
Overall, becoming a horse behaviourists requires a deep understanding of equine behaviour and welfare, as well as specialised training in behaviour modification techniques.
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What is the Best Hutch for my Rabbit
An indoor rabbit still needs a hutch to feel safe and secure but, if this is not an option then make sure you create an area for beds & hideaways.
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What are Mat Breakers
If you're unsure about grooming your dog or dealing with mats, consider seeking guidance from a professional groomer or your veterinarian.
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Walking my cat on a leash
Remember, not all cats will enjoy walking on a leash, and it's important to respect your cat's comfort level.
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Raising Chickens for Homeowners in South Africa
This guide will cover essential aspects of chicken care, including setting up a coop, feeding requirements, egg production, managing their access to your garden, protecting them from predators, and ensuring their healthcare needs are met.
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Building a Catio
Ideally, you should choose a location that provides plenty of natural light and fresh air, while also keeping your cat safe and secure.
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Transporting a cat
Cats often find travel stressful, so it's important to minimise their discomfort as much as possible.
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What Dog Bed is Best for an Older Dog
Choosing the right pet bed for a geriatric dog in a warm environment requires considering factors such as comfort, accessibility, and temperature regulation.
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Pet Fish
While fish are fairly low maintenance, you do need to ensure that you take the time to keep the tank and water in good condition
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My cat likes to play.
Choosing the best toys and beds for your cat can depend on your cat's individual preferences and needs.
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