Dogs Bowls
Some dogs may prefer a certain type of material or design, while others may be perfectly content with a simple, no-frills bowl.
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Tick Flea and worming products for cats
Ultimately, the choice between natural and commercial products depends on your cat's individual needs and your comfort level with different options
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Getting a Pet Hamster and all it entails
Syrian Hamsters are often recommended for first-time hamster owners due to their friendly personalities and ease of handling.
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Raising Chickens for Homeowners in South Africa
This guide will cover essential aspects of chicken care, including setting up a coop, feeding requirements, egg production, managing their access to your garden, protecting them from predators, and ensuring their healthcare needs are met.
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Microchipping your dog
Microchipping is a safe and effective way to ensure that your dog can be identified and returned to you if it ever becomes lost or separated from you
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What toy is best for my cat
Rotate toys regularly to keep your cat's interest, and be attentive to any signs of wear or damage to ensure your cat's safety.
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Mice as Pets
Mice are trainable, and can be trained to be disciplined as well as how to handle food
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It's recommended to offer catnip sparingly, typically a few times per week, to prevent habituation and maintain its effectiveness as a stimulant.
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Pros and Cons of feeding raw dog food
It is important to note that raw and frozen dog food diets are not suitable for all dogs.
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What to feed your kitten and why
Feeding your kittens a well-balanced and appropriate diet is crucial for their growth and development.
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Transporting a cat
Cats often find travel stressful, so it's important to minimise their discomfort as much as possible.
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Owning a cat
There are no guaranteed ways to choose the perfect cat. Understanding what your expectations are as well as the what makes cats what they are will help in your selection of the perfect cat for you.
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A Fish Pond in my garden
Fish ponds can be a great addition to your backyard or garden, providing a tranquil and relaxing environment while also supporting aquatic life. Here are some important things to consider before starting a fish pond
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Where to train your Puppy Home or Away
One of the major benefits of home training is that it is private so you and your trainer can focus on the things you particularly want your puppy to focus on
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Horse Behaviourists
Overall, becoming a horse behaviourists requires a deep understanding of equine behaviour and welfare, as well as specialised training in behaviour modification techniques.
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Do Rats make good pets?
Rats are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during the dawn and dusk hours.
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