Horse Behaviourists

A horse behaviourist is a professional who specializes in the study of equine behaviour and psychology. They are trained to understand and analyse horse behaviour, identify the underlying causes of problem behaviours, and develop strategies to modify and improve those behaviours.
The role of a horse behaviourist is to help horses and their owners address and manage problem behaviours, such as aggression, fear, anxiety, and other types of unwanted behaviour. They use a variety of methods to analyse and diagnose problem behaviours, including observation, data collection, and analysis of environmental factors.
Once a behaviourist has identified the underlying causes of a horse's problem behaviour, they will develop a treatment plan to modify and improve that behaviour. This may involve training exercises, environmental modifications, and other behaviour modification techniques designed to encourage positive behaviour and discourage negative behaviour.
In addition to working directly with horses, horse behaviourists also work with horse owners, trainers, and other equine professionals to educate them on equine behaviour and psychology. They may also provide advice on horse handling, training, and management to promote the overall well-being of the horse. Overall, the goal of a horse behaviourist is to improve the welfare and quality of life of horses by addressing and managing problem behaviours through effective behaviour modification techniques and education. There are several institutions in South Africa that offer training programs in equine behaviour and welfare, which can provide a foundation for becoming a horse behaviourist. Some of the institutions that offer equine behaviour and welfare programs in South Africa include:
University of Pretoria - The Faculty of Veterinary Science at the University of Pretoria offers a postgraduate program in Equine Behaviour and Welfare. This program is designed to provide students with an understanding of the principles of equine behaviour and welfare and the skills needed to assess and manage problem behaviours in horses.
Equi-Ed - Equi-Ed is a South African organization that offers a range of equine-related courses, including courses in equine behaviour and training. These courses are designed for individuals interested in working with horses, including horse trainers, riders, and stable managers.
South African Equine Veterinary Association - The South African Equine Veterinary Association (SAEVA) offers educational seminars and workshops on equine behaviour and welfare. These programs are designed for veterinary professionals and individuals involved in the equine industry, and cover topics such as equine behaviour, welfare, and husbandry.
The South African Lipizzaners - The South African Lipizzaners is a performance stable that also offers equine-related courses, including courses in equine behaviour and training. These courses are designed for individuals interested in learning more about horses, and cover topics such as horse handling, training, and behaviour.
Overall, becoming a horse behaviourists requires a deep understanding of equine behaviour and welfare, as well as specialized training in behaviour modification techniques. Students interested in becoming a horse behaviourists should seek out educational programs and training opportunities that focus on equine behaviour and welfare, and work with experienced professionals to gain practical experience in the field.