Pet Fish

Fish are far more interactive than you might think. They are entertaining and calming to watch weaving in and out of your live plants & aquascaping. They will also rush to the surface at feeding time, when you drop in their fish food.
Fish are easy to keep, and will teach children the responsibility of looking after an animal’s life. Remembering to feed them to clean their tank and the importance of caring and responsibility.
Fish like to roam so, the bigger the tropical fish tanks or aquarium the better. Fish may be small but they still need plenty of room to swim, especially if you have decided to get more than one.
Where you place your fish tank is important. Keep it out of direct sunlight, away from all windows and any heating system.
Adding filters, foam & carbon will keep the water in the tank cleaner for longer, removing any debris, pollutants and waste.
By adding an air pumps & accessories you will keep the water in the tank oxygenated and keep it moving which is just what your fish need. The size of the pump depends on the amount of litres your fish tank holds so be sure to double check that you buy the correct fish pump.
Some fish may need heat and light. Depending on the type of fish you buy keeping the water at the correct temperature could be crucial. If your fish are tropical they will definitely need a warmer temperature so please ensure that the pump is kept on at all times. Goldfish and cold water fish don’t require any heat. By adding lighting you will help the plant life flourish which will add to the overall health of your fish. You will also need to add some sand and gravel to the tank. The sand and gravel give the good bacteria that live in your tank somewhere to live. These bacteria are good for your fish.
Live plants & aquascaping should be added as well. Try adding an assortment of plant life as this will give your fish somewhere to play and help them to feel safe. Decorative false plants can be used but they don’t add any extra benefit to the wellbeing of the tank.
While fish are fairly low maintenance, you do need to ensure that you take the time to keep the tank and water in good condition. If the water smells or starts to look a little murky, you will need to ensure that you clean the tank out immediately to ensure the wellbeing of your fish