Puppy Training and Socialization

Puppy Training and Socialization

Helping your puppy socialise and feel confident out in the big world
Puppy Training and Socialization

A good puppy training class will teach you and your puppy skills such as puppy socialisation and how to read your puppies body language as well as practicing handling, obedience, tricks and puppy grooming.  These skills will help you and your puppy when the time comes for you and your puppy to go out into the big wide world, to visit the groomers and or your vet.  Things such as how to clip your puppies nails, looking inside their ears and checking their teeth all help make your puppy more comfortable when they attend their first grooming session or visit to the vet.

Taking your puppy out to meet other dogs and humans in a controlled environment should also be taught at puppy school.  This helps them gain confidence when they are first taken out to meet the public in a new and sometimes intimidating environment. 

Remember puppy treats and dog treats should always be carried with you to reward your puppy when he behaves correctly.  A dog that is quiet can often be ignored but, if your puppy is sitting quietly next to you and not jumping up, reward them, this is the type of behaviour that you need to pay attention to in a social environment.

A puppy who is trained correctly in their early weeks will be way more likely to grow up into a confident, calm, open to learning, and far less likely to have a fearful respnse to new experiences and therefore more likely to become a good family dog.

For the first 16 weeks of your puppies life they are  learning who is in their social group, who their family is, who there family socialise with, who they are allowed to play with and who they should be building bonds with. 

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