Owning a cat

Having a cat means different things to different people. Some people want a cat to cuddle; other people are very happy to live with an independent cat which doesn’t need much human interaction.
What is important is that you try to find the right cat for you. The environment in which you keep a cat influences the type of personality your cat will develop as well as the contributing factor of its personality from previous experiences or its inherited character.
There are no guaranteed ways to choose the perfect cat. Understanding what your expectations are as well as the what makes cats what they are will help in your selection of the perfect cat for you.
To care for your cat you will need to:
Give your cat loads of human companionship
Make sure you have the correct cat food and fresh water.
Ensure your cat has a clean and comfortable Cat Bed
Give your cat access to the outdoors or make sure that you have a litter tray that will need to be emptied and cleaned daily.
Provide toys and items of interest.
Groom your cat regularly. Longhaired cats need daily grooming
Have your cat neutered when it reaches the age of between 4 and 6 months old
Always make sure that your cat is regularly vaccinated
DeWorm your cat regularly and treat with flea and tick medication.
Take your cat to the vet should you suspect that it is showing any signs of illness.
Should you be concerned about the cost of vet fees etc. then take out pet insurance.